Friday, February 5, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

How would it feel if you pull up to the window at McDonald's and they say that the car in front of yours had paid for your meal, the only catch is that now you have to go and do something kind for someone else.

What if you walked up to a vending machine with one dollar already in it and a note that said, "Buy yourself a treat on me, pass the kindness on to someone you don't know" Random acts of kindness are simple and easy to do, and they will make the day of the person you help.

"If we do this, we will be doing our part to create a world in which kindness is more than a random act, but rather it becomes a way of life."
The Spirit of Kindness is a web site that you can learn more about random acts of kindness, here stories from people who had a random act of kindness done for them, and learn what random acts of kindness you could do for someone else.

What can you do for others?

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